Շանթ HD TV | Shant HD TV

Shant TV HD

"Shant TV" TV Company was founded in 1994, in the second largest city of Armenia Gyumri. Regardless the fact that the economic condition of the republic was alarmed in the result of the ruining earthquake and there was lack of even the worst conditions, "Shant" succeeded to find not only ways of existing but also pass the harsh and at the same time full of successes way towards development. Since March of 2001 "Shant" TV Company started regular broadcasting in capital Yerevan as well. Only during some 3-4 years "Shant" managed to become one of the leading TV companies of the capital which is the most trusted and believed. In 2007 the programs of "Shant" became available for the Armenians of the USA as well. Starting cooperation with "ARTN" TV Company in Los Angeles, the programs of "Shant" were spread throughout whole Northern America by satellite airing, and then our programs started retransmission through "Main Cable" free networks in the whole territory of Souther

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